Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School

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Inclement Weather

We will send a phone call, email, and text message via ParentSquare. to notify of closures or delays.
School closure or delayed start decisions will typically be made and posted on the District website by 5:15 a.m., then communicated to local media. We encourage and support families to make attendance decisions for your child(ren) based on your own assessment of travel conditions at your location.
When all district schools and facilities are closed
  • All daytime and evening activities/events are canceled.
When there is a 2-hour delay in opening school
  • All schools will open two hours later than regularly scheduled.
  • No Buenos Dias (morning program)

When weather conditions necessitate an early closure of schools
  • We encourage you to refer to our website and local media for more detailed information.
  • All daytime and evening activities/events are canceled.

For the latest inclement weather information:
  • Check your emails and voicemails for notifications from the main office
  • Subscribe to Flash Alert and check the link provided below:
Region for Arco Iris: Portland/Vancouver/Salem
Organization: Private & Charter School Portland Area