Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School

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Immersion Program

 Arco Iris is a one way immersion program, which means the majority of the academic content is presented in Spanish. In grades K-5, the immersion ratio is 65-80% Spanish and 20-35% English.  In middle school, the ratio is 50:50.

Core Characteristics of Bilingual Education

  • Additive bilingualism with sustained and enriched instruction through the minority language and the majority language is promoted
  • Subject area instruction through the minority language occurs for at least 50% of the school day during the elementary school years
  • Teachers are fully proficient in the language(s) they use for instruction
  • Support for the majority language is strong and present in the community at large
  • Clear and sustained separation of languages during instructional time
More Articles or Videos About Being Bilingual